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Pickleball Rules

Basic Pickleball Rules Simplified for Beginners in 6 minutes

New to pickleball? Don’t worry! In just 5 minutes, we’ll break down the basic rules of pickleball in an easy-to-understand way.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to brush up on the basics, this quick guide will have you ready to hit the court with confidence. Let’s make learning pickleball fun and simple!

To get started, you’ll need an all-in-one set that includes USAPA standards paddles, balls, and a bag. You can buy it from this link: Picklephi All-in-One Pickleball Set

Fiberglass pickleball set

How to Play Pickleball in 6 minutes

Pickleball is a fun game that’s easy to learn and play. It’s like a mix of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. In this guide, we’ll explain the basics and rules so you can start playing pickleball right away.

Most games are played with two people on each team, called doubles, where players stand to the right and left of the centerline.

Now, let’s dive into the 6 main rules of pickleball. Follow these 6 simple rules, and you’ll be playing pickleball in no time!

Pickleball game

Pickleball Serving Rules (1th minute)

Each rally begins with a serve. Serving in pickleball has some specific rules to keep the game fair:

  • Underhand Serve: The serve must be underhand.
  • Below the Waist: Paddle contact with the ball must be below the server’s waist.

Pickleball rule: Underhand Serve

  • Diagonally: Serve diagonally across the court.
  • Positioning: Both feet must be behind the baseline until the ball is hit.
  • Serve Clearance: The serve must clear the non-volley zone (the area within 7 feet of the net).

Pickleball rule: Serve diagonally across the court

Rules for Serving in Pickleball: Faults and Let Serves Explained

  • If the serve hits the net and lands in the correct service area, it’s called a “let” and the server gets another chance.
  • If the serve lands out of bounds, into the net, or in the non-volley zone, it’s a fault and the serve goes to the opponent.
  • If the ball bounces twice on one side before being returned.

Pickleball Faults

Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball (2th minute)

This rule ensures fair play and longer rallies:

  • Bounce Once: After the serve, the ball must bounce once on each side before players can volley. This means the receiving team must let the serve bounce, and the serving team must let the return bounce.

Double Bounce Rule

Pickleball Kitchen Rules (3th minute)

The non-volley zone, commonly known as “the kitchen,” is the area within 7 feet of the net on both sides. The non-volley zone, or kitchen, is important:

  • No Volleys: You can’t volley the ball (hit it without letting it bounce) while standing in the kitchen.

Pickleball non-volley zone fault

  • After Bounces: You can only enter the kitchen to play a ball that has bounced.

Pickleball Kitchen Rules

Volleying and Bouncing in Pickleball (4th minute)

In pickleball, you can hit the ball in two ways during a rally:

  • Volleying: Hitting the ball out of the air without letting it bounce first. Remember, you can’t do this while standing in the kitchen (the 7-foot non-volley zone).
  • Bouncing Once: Letting the ball bounce one time on your side before hitting it back to your opponent.

So, during play, you have these two options for returning the ball. Just remember the double bounce rule we talked about earlier: after a serve, the ball must bounce once on each side before any volleying can happen.

Pickleball Scoring Rules (5th minute)

Scoring in pickleball is unique. In pickleball, you can only score points when your team is serving. You keep serving until you lose a rally.

Pickleball Serving Rules Doubles

  • Two Serves: Each team gets two serves (one for each player) before the serve switches sides.
  • Switch Sides: Partners switch sides after scoring a point.
  • Serving Rotation: Both partners get a chance to serve before the serve goes to the other team, except for the first serve of the game.

Pickleball rule: Serve diagonally across the court

Pickleball Serving Rules Doubles

Pickleball Serving Rules Singles

  • Positioning: Players serve from the right side when their score is even and from the left when it’s odd.
  • One Serve: Each player has only one serve.

How Pickleball Scoring Works (6th minute)

In pickleball, the score is called out in three numbers, like “5-3-2”. Here’s what each number means:

  • The first number is your team’s score.
  • The second number is your opponent’s score.
  • The third number indicates whether you are the first or second server for your team.

For example, if the score is tied 6-4 and you are the first server, you’ll say “6-4-1” before serving. If you lose the rally, your partner will serve next and announce “6-4-2”. If your partner loses the rally, the serve switches to the other team, and they’ll start with “4-6-1”.

At the beginning of a new game, the first server calls “0-0-2” to indicate that the starting team only gets one serve, balancing the advantage of serving first.

  • Game End: Pickleball is usually played to 11 points, and you must win by 2 points. So, if the game is tied at 10-10, play continues until one team wins by 2 points.
  • Calling the Score: The server calls out the score before serving, stating the serving team’s score first, followed by the opponent’s score, and then the server number (1 or 2).

How to play pickleball

What is Pickleball and How Do You Play pickleball?

Pickleball is a game played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes, on a court similar to a badminton court. The net is lower than a tennis net.

  1. Equipment Needed: You’ll need a paddle, a pickleball, and a net. You can get an all-in-one set that includes everything you need from this link: Pickleball Set of 2.
  2. Court Dimensions: The court measures 20 feet wide and 44 feet long. If you want to set up your own pickleball court, check out this article: Pickleball Court Dimensions.
  3. Starting the Game: Players serve the ball diagonally across the court.

Pickleball set of 2

Pickleball Basics

Here are the basics you need to know:

  1. Serve Underhand: Always serve underhand and diagonally.
  2. Double Bounce Rule: Let the ball bounce once on each side after the serve.
  3. Non-Volley Zone (Kitchen): No volleying in the 7-foot zone near the net.
  4. Scoring: Only the serving team scores.
  5. Win By Two: Games are played to 11 points, and you must win by 2.

Official Pickleball Rules and Scoring

  • Serving: The serve must be underhand, and the paddle must be below the waist. The serve goes diagonally across the court.
  • Scoring: Only the serving team can score points. Games are usually played to 11 points, and a team must win by 2 points.
  • Double Bounce Rule: The ball must bounce once on each side before players can hit it in the air (volley).

Faults Explained (Beyond Serves)

  • Out of Bounds: If the ball lands outside the court lines, it’s a fault.
  • Into the Net: Hitting the ball into the net is also a fault.
  • Double Bounce: If the ball bounces twice on one side before being returned, it’s a fault.
  • Volleying in the Kitchen: You cannot volley the ball (hit it without letting it bounce) while standing in the kitchen (the 7-foot non-volley zone near the net). This rule prevents players from gaining an unfair advantage by staying close to the net.

Pickleball Faults

Pickleball Serve Rules:

The serve is a critical part of pickleball. In pickleball, every point starts with a serve. Unlike tennis, the goal of a pickleball serve is just to get the game going, not to attack.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Underhand Serve: The serve must be underhand.
  • Diagonally: Serve diagonally across the court.
  • Below the Waist: Paddle contact with the ball must be below the server’s waist.
  • Serve Clearance: The serve must clear the kitchen, whether hit off the bounce or in the air.

Key Serving Rules in Pickleball

  • Foot Placement: The server must have at least one foot behind the baseline.
  • Positioning: Both feet must be behind the baseline until the ball is hit.
  • Scoring on Serve: Only the serving team can score.
  • Rotation: In doubles, the server switches sides after each point.
  • Second Serve: In doubles, if the first server loses the point, the second partner serves.
  • No Let Serves: If the serve hits the net and lands in the correct service court, it’s a let and is replayed.

Pickleball Rules When Serving 2021

Since 2021, you can now drop the ball and hit it off the bounce if you prefer.

Pickleball vs tennis

Pickleball Doubles Rules

In pickleball doubles, each team has two players, and it’s the most popular way to play. Playing doubles has its own set of rules:

Rules of Pickleball Doubles

  • Serving Rotation: Both partners serve before the serve switches to the opponents.
  • Positioning: Partners need to cover the court together.
  • Two Serves: Each team gets two serves (one for each player) before the serve switches sides.
  • Switch Sides: Partners switch sides after scoring a point.
  • Serving Rotation: Both partners serve before the serve switches to the opponents.

Pickleball Singles Rules

Doubles is super popular, but you can also play pickleball with just one player on each side. Singles play is similar to doubles but with some differences:

Singles Pickleball Rules

  • One Serve: Each player has only one serve.
  • Smaller Court Coverage: Players need to cover the entire court alone.
  • Positioning: Players serve from the right side when their score is even and from the left when it’s odd.
  • Strategy: More movement and agility are needed.
  • Scoring: You only call out two numbers: your score first, then your opponent’s score.

Other than these small changes, all the pickleball rules for serving, faults, line calls, and the non-volley zone are the same as in doubles.

Transform Any Court into a Pickleball Court

Pickleball can be played on various types of courts, not just dedicated pickleball courts. The official pickleball court dimensions are 20 feet wide and 44 feet long.

You can easily convert any court—whether it’s a tennis, basketball, or any flat, hard surface—into a pickleball court. All you need is the right equipment. With the free marker kit from Picklephi, you can quickly and easily mark out the lines for a pickleball court. This kit provides everything you need to transform any court into a regulation pickleball court, allowing you to enjoy the game wherever you are.

For more details and to get your free marker kit, check out this link: Picklephi Free Marker Kit.

Pickleball Court Marker Kit

pickleball lessons

Common Mistakes in Pickleball:

  • Avoid stepping into the kitchen to volley. It takes practice to remember this rule.
  • Make sure to let the ball bounce on the serve and the return.

Basic Strategies for Pickleball:

  • Aim your shots at your opponent’s feet to make it harder for them to return the ball.
  • Use the kitchen to your advantage by placing soft shots (dinks) just over the net.
  • Keeps the ball low and forces opponents to hit up, giving you an advantage.
  • A soft shot aimed to land in the opponent’s kitchen after the serve and return.
  • Hitting the ball high over your opponent’s head, forcing them to retreat.

Frequently Asked Question

  1. Serve underhand.
  2. Double bounce rule.
  3. Stay out of the kitchen.
  4. Only the serving team scores.
  5. Win by 2 points.
  1. Serve underhand.
  2. Serve diagonally.
  3. Paddle below waist level.
  4. Feet behind baseline.
  5. No let serves.
  • The server is determined by a coin toss or rally.
  • The serving team continues serving until they lose a rally.
  • Serve diagonally across the court.
  • Serve from the right side when your score is even, and from the left when it’s odd.
  • No, pickleball rules are not the same as tennis. While both sports share some similarities, such as being played with rackets and a net, there are several key differences in rules, scoring, and gameplay.For more information about the differences between pickleball and tennis, read this article: “Pickleball vs Tennis”.
  • No, if the serve hits the net and lands in the correct service court, it’s a let and is replayed.
  • Yes, the ball must bounce once on each side after the serve (double bounce rule).

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